We understand that most IT environments are a mix and match of vendors and that businesses often hold onto IT assets beyond their End-of-Sale or End-of-Support dates.  At OlympusTech we have a range of solutions to help you manage this more effectively.

  • Software Maintenance Renewals
  • Hardware support and post warranty servicing
  • Managed support services

Software Maintenance Renewals

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Hardware support and post warranty servicing

We offer end-to-end support and maintenance solutions for your data center through cost effective third-party maintenance. We service hardware such as servers, storage and networking equipment. Our third-party maintenance services cover most leading manufacturers including: Cisco, IBM, Lenovo, HPE, DELL EMC, NetApp, Hitachi, Brocade, Juniper, and many others.

We are committed to delivering high-quality and cost-effective post-warranty IT hardware support with customised SLAs via a network of locally stocked IT spares and certified engineers.

Managed support services

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